Synergreens Starter Pack


Benefits of Synergreens:

Helps boost immune system

Helps fight infections

Detoxifies the body

Helps lower blood sugar levels

Helps lowers the risk of cancer

Helps lowers blood pressure

Lowers chance of stroke

Reduces cholesterol

Improves skin health

Promotes bone health

Boosts energy and stamina

Improves bowel movements

Aids weight loss

Fights free radicals

Fights liver disease

Powerful antioxidant

Repairs DNA

Cleanses liver

Glowing skin and lustrous hair

Increases fertility and libido

Relieves stress and depression


This pack contains everything you need to get on the right track. You will significantly improve your health just by using Synergreens and Gluta Deluxe in conjunction. View our true stories to see what others are saying after using these two powerful products.


2 boxes of Synergreens 30 sachets

2 Gluta Deluxe 60 capsules

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